Simone and I inside the Grand Biazarre market.. as well as the dazzling array of goods entertainment comes in other forms- the Turkish men although nowhere near as confronting as reputed to be in our very sheltered little tourist pocket of Istanbul -are certainly every bit as entertaining! Some of the better gems include- where are you from-paradise.. i have some poision for your boyfriend.. are you looking for me! stop! your life with me begins over here!.. i have something to tell you my name is charlie and you are my angels.. I got called Shakira a bit not sure i can see the resmblance myself! and basically tireless variations of all of the above. Simone and I got a bad attack of the giggles trying to walk down the street with an endless commentary of seedy propositions going - we couldnt stop laughing!

This is right near the Grand Bizarre- A huge indoors market. Was just a small enclove selling rugs and the usual Turkish wares but even the everyday looks too exotic to resist a pic to a tourist like me!

This is the view from where we have our coffee every morning.. Turkish coffee prooved to be a bit of a disappointment in comparison to my glowing memories of it back home- I guess the aussie version is a bit different.. The Turkish do however make an excellent latte! And it would want to be for up to six dollars a pop! The man is carrying curled sweet bread rolls on his head some rest entire platters on nothing more than a little flat cap- it looks delicious but I am still yet to try..
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