Sorry for the sideways view on some of these- this is me at Piccadilly Circus- just about to jump on the last tube home..

A nice verse, sideways again! This was at Tiffany's square..

Tower Bridge, taken from a river cruise of the Thames..

Couldn't resist- those telephone booths look great but are stinking hot in summer!

The momentous TATE gallery- a must see!

Castle in Antwerp with some crazy tourist..

Kimmy and I at the charming Bruge..

A cheeky statue on the streets of Brussels

A moment's prayer at the nunnery in Bruge

La di dahhh! touring Bruge by horse carriage- oh the romance!

eating my first belgium waffle, the beginning of a mad love affair.. we got these on the house too!

a tired and relieved me having arrived at my hostel in brussels, against all odds

the street in brussels Compe De Flandre, where i first alighted from the tram and promptly pooped myself over where the hell i was. the cafe is where i ate a few meals and got my directions

Long lost friend Utadi, the night before we headed off to Belgium. Drinks at a bar in Fulham, London

(left) Sarah near the Millenium bridge- famous for almost breaking under the weight of traffic on its opening day and (right) me at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre- cool looking place! hoping to see some theatre there..

My first snakebite at the Aussie pub in London, The Walkabout- i think that's as far as i got with that toxic mix- GROSS!
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