Here i am in the dungeon of the fortress at Dubrovnik, tiny little cells but at least they have a great view!!

one of the charming alley ways of croatia, featuring of course the lovely Gini..

This is the wall that encloses the old town of Dubrovnik, you can walk the full length of it. hard to imagine this town was devastated by war some 12 years ago.. the ruins blend into the regenerated city to create a sedcutive blend of chaos and tranquility... peering from the great wall into the small intricate maže of the town is amažing, anywhere there is a flat roof top there is a chair and table, making the most of the view and the sun. clothes lines bridge across perilious gaps in walls, from one impossibly high window to another- how they get their washing on there i would love to see!! knowing the croats, they probably tight rope walk it..

This was a great place that we stayed at in Dubrovnik, it was run by a žippy little croatian man who despite being thirty years our senior raced around up and down those treacherous croatian steps.. those croatian senior citižens put us to shame!! and when you are traipsing half way up and down cliffs every day i am not really surprised- one way to keep fit!!
From left to right we have, Alfie, Simone (kiwi i will be travelling to turkey with) Sam (from new york) Jack, Eiamer (sorry again for spelling!) me, Gini, Sarah (canadian, another fab travel companion to turkey), Verity, Allistair..

and here is my pommy posse! from left to right, Alfie, me, Verity, Gini, Allistair and taking the photo is Lawrence (sorry if this is wrong spelling guys!) we are having a meal in Hvar.. the power was out at this end of town so the restaurant had to get the pižžas we ordered from down the road! Pižža is pretty much a staple, no matter where you go it is cheap and readily available and the best value for money. This was one of better croatian customer service experiences, the waitress was very friendly and we were surrounded by the usual tables of singing locals :oD

This is the where the ferry docks at Hvar in Croatia- totally stunning as you can see! Hvar was the crown jewell of the croatian coast, very touristy but hardly surprising that the masses flock here when it is so so beautiful...
And here i am sitting in the tower of Marco Polos house (as you do) this was rumoured to be his residence in Korcula, another island off the coast of croatia. At least the locals are laying claim to it being his pad- and as i was keen to have a sticky beack inside one of the charming little aparments i got sucked in! tiny little place with wooden staircase leading up to this marvellous vantage point.. not much else of his place was open to the public but for ten kuna (2 aussie dollar) you cant complain..
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