The Summer of Love- a great retrospective at The Victoria and Albert Musuem, lots of original posters, album covers and photographs- heaps of fun! sure beats all those Greek artifacts hehe

sorry here's this pic AGAIN just in case you missed it the first two times-! woooops

Changing of the Guard, a tad boring actually! but a must-do for London. The police horses were beautiful and very charming, i joined the kiddies for a good petting session :o) No spotting of the Queen unfortunately.

Kimmy and I Sunday morning- both feeling rather fragile after our respective Saturday nights

Cath and I at Fabric, about 5am- having our first and much needed sit down on the couches..

Cath and Beau and me feeling cosy on the couches of Fabric -classy hehe

Portabello Markets at closing time- I am holding my bag of "prawns"..

At "that" Nottinghill bookshop from the movie- exciting! it is smaller than it looks in the movie and PACKED with tourists, like me :o)

A quick shot of me on the famous shopping strip, Carnaby Street- snuck this shot in before camera died!

Riding the front seat of the double decker- great view from up there! we almost took out a motorcyclist, pedestrian and one car on the way. Our birds eye view makes "objects appear closer" than what they really are, but judging from the screams coming from the groundfloor of the bus- it wasn't jsut our view..

Sarah and I taking the bus..

one of the lush dresses from the collection at Victoria and Albert Museum. *sigh
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