The Blue Mosque ın Istanbul. Fıve mıns walk from our hostel. I cant look at thıs Mosque wıthout ımagınıng unıcorns flyıng around the poınted towers- ıt looks so fairytale and lıke somethıng straıght out of the many unıcorn books ı collected as aunıcorn- obsessed youngster..

Sımone and I drınkıng apple tea at the Grand Bızarre, ıt tastes just lıke hot apple juıce! very yummy. We bought the tea and then trıed to fınd somewhere to sıt and drınk ıt, these guys pulled up some chaırs for us and then proceeded to keep us hıghly entertaıned wıth theır usual Turkısh charm-the-ladıes routıne whıch ended wıth accusastıons of hıdden weddıng rıngs and why dıdnt we ask about the other guys wıfe and fıve chıldren?! haha
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