At the end of our boat trip, Me Simone and local Scott who shared the yummy apple waterpipe with us- smoking has never tasted so delicious! hehe

Tara and I on the boat, we would dock about three times a day in different coves and swim and relax for the day/

We did took a four day boat cruise from Fethiye to Olympos, which after some intital sea seediness we got our sealegs and loved it!! Great way to escape the heat and i am a real sea dog now!! the food was amazing, all meals included, beautiful traditional turkish spreads for every meal. we slept out on the balcony at night to avoid the cramped cabins and were treated to a meteor shower on one of the nights, lying on a boat watchign meteors rain down life seemed pretty sweet!

Lady preparing the traditional Goremes- turkish pancakes, you had a choice of bannana and choclate, cheese or just chocolate. we were in the middle of nowhere but there is always someone there to materialise and sell their wares!

Tara and Simone having jsut boarded the boat, this is where we slept at night.
So today is our second last day in Turkey, we leave tomorrow to catch the ferry to Samos and then onto the Greek island of Mykonos to begin our Greek Island Hopping.
Turkey has been quite the adventure and to do jsutice to this very diverse country we finished with a big bang, it was Tara\s birthday on the 18th so after catching an all night bus the night the before we then had to head straight out for an all day tour of exploring Cappadocia! The hotel where we staying that night wouldnt let us check in for a shower or anything so it made for a bit of a lonng day after no sleep and no shower but the tour was still great. we saw the famous fairy chimneys formed from years of volcanic erosion that characterise the landscape of capadoccia, we visited a potter and wathced the traditional art of making the incredible ceramics of this area= so beautiful, again i could have loaded up another backpack.. we got back to the hotel just in time for a quick nap before heading out for the night to Turkish NIghts= a defnite highlight! We were treated to a dinner, all the wine you could drink and a show of turkish belly dancing, Deverish dancing and a traitional Turkish wedding, we all had to get up and have a dance around and then outside and round a big bonfire before back to the table for more wine and food. Afterwards we went out for the best baklava and icecream i have had in turkey, we were escorted by the hotel guy who had booked Turkish nights for us, his cousin and another friend that materialised towards the end of the night, we didnt know the night included escorts!! haha after desert we hooned around turkey on the back of their scooters until the wee hours and then it was back to bed for another 3 hours sleep before starting the next days tour!
After another long day of touring we got the bus to drop us off at the local Haram for a turkish bath to wash away the days grim in preperation for another all night bus.. and here i am, dedicatedly updating my blog in a semi concious state so as usual please accept my standard disclaimers about spelling and general cohesion!!